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Freshly picked , ready for cook

Tomatoes with stream rices

(last update 2014-12-08)

Chinese versions only!


Peppers contain β-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. Sweet pepper has a more crisp texture and taste sweeter, more suitable in raw. One or two in our daily meal of the sweet peppers can charge up our daily vitamin C requirm...

Colourful sweet pepper 50g

9 different types of seeds ($30 per pack): 1.Romaine Lettuce Seeds (around 400-500pcs) 2.Blackcabbage Seeds (around 400-500pcs) 3.Red Mizuna Seeds (around 200-300pcs) 4.Mizuna Seeds (around 400-500pcs) 5.Curly Endive Seeds (around 400-500pcs) 6.Boston Lettuce Seeds (around 400-500pcs) 7.Cor...

9 different types of seeds 50pack

Chinese version only.

Coral Lettuce 0g

Crucian fresh fish below 250g

Crucian fresh fish below 250g 250g

Go Green Party! Good choice for party or salad day - fresh, healthy, wholesome veggies! Everyone happy to have "Salad Tree" in the party! 4 layers Salad Tree - 30 mini size salad cup Extra 1 layer(25 cups) +$500 Mini size salad cups +$700 Regular size salad cups +$900 Fresh cherry tomato...

Salad Tree 30pcs

What does Farm66 Bio-bacteria do? ●Inhibits new tank syndrome ●Increases bacteria count of existing filtration ●Eases maintenance of aquaponic system ●Replenishes bacteria after filter maintenance ●Farm66 Bio-bacteria will not generate additional ammonia, a problem that may occur with other bac...

Farm66 Bio-bacteria 2L

Farm66 special notice

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Media news

2015-07-07 (Tue)

【RTHK 31】

2017-12-04 (Mon)


2017-11-22 (Wed)


2017-11-22 (Wed)

【Bloomberg】Three Startups That Wowed Jack Ma and Won Alibaba's Backing

2017-11-22 (Wed)

【Metro Daily Hong Kong】News

2017-06-08 (Thu)

【South China Morning Post】Farm66 to be awarded the 2016 HKAI

2016-12-14 (Wed)

Honoured at 2016 Hong Kong Awards for Industries(HKAI)

2016-12-13 (Tue)

2016 Anniversary Dinner of International Food Safety Association (IFSA)

2016-11-26 (Sat)

Seminar - PAOC Ka Chi Sec school

2016-11-13 (Sun)

Green week @ Hactl

2016-11-07 (Mon)

Angel's Heart

2016-03-08 (Tue)

Farm Fest 2016

2016-01-07 (Thu)

Honoured at 2015 Hong Kong Awards for Industries(HKAI)

2015-12-14 (Mon)

PolyU Green Campus【VeggieLicious】

2015-11-25 (Wed)

CarbonSmart Achiever Awards Presentation Ceremony

2015-10-07 (Wed)

【Carbon Care Inn Lab】- InnoFriday Talk 3

2015-09-04 (Fri)


2015-08-20 (Thu)

【Radio 881】

2015-08-20 (Thu)


2015-08-15 (Sat)


2015-08-12 (Wed)


2015-08-12 (Wed)

【Oriental Daily News】news

2015-07-21 (Tue)

TVB interview

2015-07-15 (Wed)

PolyU BRE x Farm66 Urban Aquaponics & Plant Factory Seminar

2015-07-09 (Thu)


2015-06-26 (Fri)

Green Friday @ Hang Seng Office

2015-06-26 (Fri)

【Apple Daily】Aquaponic news

2015-06-08 (Mon)

Low-Carbon Living Seminer - Sacred Heart Canossian College

2015-05-13 (Wed)

【The Daily NNA】news

2015-05-06 (Wed)

【Oriental Daily News】news

2015-04-28 (Tue)

【Oriental Daily News】news 2

2015-04-28 (Tue)

【citysuper】Another way to Farm

2015-03-26 (Thu)

PolyU Alumni Carnival

2015-02-28 (Sat)

Ming Pao Weekly

2015-02-21 (Sat)

【Takungpao】Aquaponics Farming

2015-02-16 (Mon)

Farm Fest 2015

2015-01-23 (Fri)

San Francisco OpenSky Radio

2015-01-09 (Fri)

International day @ YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College

2014-12-13 (Sat)

100% Hong Kong Wine

2014-12-08 (Mon)

Special order for best wish and congratulations on all students' graduation in 2014

2014-12-05 (Fri)


2014-11-19 (Wed)

Salad Day for Hip Shing Hong

2014-11-10 (Mon)

Green Friday@ Duty Free Shop

2014-10-31 (Fri)

CarbonCare Label 2014 Award Ceremony

2014-10-23 (Thu)

Hong Kong Newspaper Hawker Association

2014-10-21 (Tue)


2014-10-20 (Mon)

TV show from Hubei

2014-10-20 (Mon)

Green Friday@ HKPC

2014-10-13 (Mon)


2014-09-05 (Fri)

Goodshow for Farm66

2014-08-28 (Thu)

Green Monday - Salad Day

2014-08-26 (Tue)

Food Expo with Poland chef

2014-08-15 (Fri)

Green Living Seminar in NWCSS Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School

2014-05-12 (Mon)

FCE alumnus revitalizes industrial building with indoor farming

2014-05-01 (Thu)

Cooperate with NWCSS Nam Wah Catholic Secondary School for activities

2014-05-01 (Thu)

【HKEJ】Plant factory, originc vegetable, modern farming

2014-04-23 (Wed)

Conference explores sustainability in agriculture, fishery industries

2014-03-19 (Wed)

【Mingpao】Aquaponics Farming, wavelength technology

2014-02-28 (Fri)

【Mingpao】Wholesome Veggies Salad Cup

2014-02-28 (Fri)

Farm Fest 2014

2014-01-10 (Fri)

Green Living Seminer for MTR

2013-12-09 (Mon)

Green Living Seminer for Yan Fok Church

2013-10-27 (Sun)